March 8 – Against Self-Sufficiency

. . . [the unrighteous] entice people who have just escaped from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. – 2 Peter 2:18-19 (NRSV) QUINN G. CALDWELL | So much public discourse (and a great deal of private...

March 7 – A Prayer in Need of Tweaking

Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings, from the wicked who despoil me, my deadly enemies who surround me. – Psalm 17:8-9 (NRSV) LIZ MILLER | Too often, when I look back on my prayers, they sound like the sacred version of a self-help...

March 6 – Until an Opportune Time

When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time. – Luke 4:13 (NRSV) TALITHA ARNOLD | The first time I read Luke’s account of the encounter between Jesus and the devil in the desert, its final line sent a chill up my spine. It still...

March 5 – Transfiguration

Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. – Matthew 17:1-2 (NRSV) MATT LANEY | Transparent is a TV series...

March 4 – But Moses

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, “Go and tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his land.” But Moses… – Exodus 6:10-12a (NRSV) MARTHA SPONG | The book of Exodus recounts the story of Moses, who as a baby born into an enslaved Hebrew family was...